Publication: (الطبيعة في شعر أبي بكر الصنوبري (334ه( وإبن خفاجة الأندلسي (533ه( : دراسة مقارنة ظ
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This study is based on a popular assumption that there is a similarity between Abu Bakr al-Sanawbari (A.H 334) and Ibn Khafajah al- Andalusi (A.H 533) in their poetry about nature. Therefore, the researcher tries to make a comparative study on the nature of their poetry, particularly, examining the beauty, the ingenuity and the skills of the two poets, as well as tracing the influence al-$anawbarihad on Ibn Khafi!fah and attempting to highlight the similarities and differences between the two personalities. To complete this study, an analytical method is adopted based on references related to the topic. It is concluded from this study that poetry about nature was at its climax in the hands of Abu Bakr al-Sanawbari and Ibn Khafajah al-Andalusi. Both of them shared the same methods and approaches in poetry writing, especially in the poetical structures, meanings and language styles due to the influence of the environment that they lived in. Nevertheless, they differ from each other in terms of imaginations, emotions, literary styles, as well as the rhythm of the poetry, which deny the possibility of imitations of each other. In addition, each of these characteristics refers to the unique qualities of each poet.