This repository collects, preserves and provides access to digital materials of students' works. At present, the collections in this repository consist of post graduate's theses & dissertations of IIUM students, from 1987 onwards. For better experience of one stop search for more library collections, contents of IIUM Theses Repository are also recoverable by EDS on the Library Discovery here. This repository is managed by Access & Metadata Unit, Knowledge Resources Development Section, Dar al-Hikmah Library. Any inquiries can be forwarded to studentrepo@iium.edu.my.

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    Self-regulated learning strategies and self-efficacy among Kulliyyah of Human Sciences IIUM undergraduate students
    (Kuala Lumpur : Kulliyyah of Education, International Islamic University Malaysia, 2003, 2003) ;
    Joharry Othman
    This study investigates the relationship between self-regulated learning strategies and self-efficacy among Kulliyyah of Human Sciences IIUM undergraduate students. It also attempts to identify the common self-regulated learning strategies that students use during their study and identify the level of self-efficacy. Lastly, it also investigates if there is a re1ationship between self-regulated ]earning strategies and self-efficacy with the variables of gender, CGPA and major. The study utilizes two questionnaires. The first measures self-regulated learning strategies and the second questionnaire measures students' level of self-efficacy. A stratified random sampling was used to se1ect 293 undergraduate students from the Ku1liyyah of Human Sciences. Descriptive statistics, correlational ana1ysis and cross tabulation are used to analyze the data. Findings provide evidence that respondents frequently use some strategies like "keeping records and monitoring", "reviewing texts, notes and test" in their study with the majority of the students being at the moderate ]eve] of self-efficacy. The study also shows that there is a significant relationship between self-regulated learning strategies and self-efficacy. As for gender and CGPA they did not correlate significantly with self-regulated learning strategies, while major has significant relationship with self-regulated learning strategies. Finally, there is no significant relationship between self-efficacy and variables of gender and CGP A. In contrast, the ]eve] of self-efficacy has a significant relationship with majors.
      2418  74
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    The political economy of deregulation and economic growth : a study of Nigeria's telecommunications sector (2000-2014)
    (Kuala Lumpur : Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences, International Islamic University Malaysia, 2021, 2021) ;
    Md. Moniruzzaman
    El Fatih Abdullahi Abdel Salam
    Telecommunications remain one of the most strategic economic sectors that assume prominence in the current discourses on growth and integration of national economies and transnational production. An effective telecommunications system enables countries to achieve impressive socio-economic gains. However, the Nigerian telecommunications system under state monopoly has been characterized as grossly inefficient and financially a burden on the government, among others. The government has placed a conscious strategy towards regulatory reforms in the sector. The reforms emphasize on market opening by allowing entry of private and transnational operators into the country's telecommunications market, which will eventually lead to a transformation within the industry. This study attempts to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the transformation in Nigeria's telecommunications industry, with emphasis on the impact towards economic growth. The privatization policy in this sector that resulted in the emergence of private and transnational firms, led to telephone services being more easily accessible, cost effective and competitive amongst the operators. The central argument of this study is that a significant correlation exists between market competition and growth, showing Nigerian telecommunications has been positively affected by the new deregulation policy. The positive impact of deregulations was proven by the growth rate of the selected indicators that were arranged into two broad dimensions: economic and technological dimensions. The economic dimension focuses on some economic variables, namely the sector's investment growth rate and revenue percentage compared to GDP, while the technological dimension gives emphasis towards technological and ICT related indicators, to be precise, advanced telecommunications infrastructure and the emergence of new telecommunication services.
      2031  27
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    التلفيق في المعاملات المصرفية الإسلامية : دراسة تحليلية تقويمية
    (Kuala Lumpur : Kulliyyah Abdulhamid Abusulayman Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences, 2024, 2024)
    سليمي، عبد الله أحمد سعيد
    Sulaimi, Abdulla Ahmed Said
    Akhtarzaite Abdul Aziz, Ph.D
    Muhammad Amanullah, Ph.D
    This dissertation presents a comprehensive study of the issue of talfiq (concoction) in Islamic banking contracts. Many people believe that Islamic banking is merely a replication of conventional banking and does not meet the spirit (maqasid) of shariah due to the similarities between Islamic finance products and conventional usurious products in their economic effects. The study is divided into five chapters, with the first chapter introducing the problem and the structure of the dissertation .The second chapter delves into the concepts of ijtihad, taq?ld, and ift??, clarifying the terms and conditions related to each concept. The third chapter provides a detailed explanation of the concept of talfiq and its types, as well as the difference between talfiq and other related terms in Islamic jurisprudence .The forth chapter discusses the emergence of Islamic banking and whether adopting an approach of h?lah in forming Islamic financial contracts is acceptable. It also explains why Islamic banks are forced to imitate conventional banking and the economic consequences of such imitation .The fifth chapter provides a critical analysis of the main Islamic financial contracts, including mur?baha, ig?rah muntahia bi’taml?k, and mush?rakah mutan?qisah. The study has adopted an inductive approach in gathering the related information. It also applied an analytic method to discuss the arguments and deduce its results. The study concludes that the main reason why Islamic banks are forced to imitate conventional ones is the banking system, where finance is connected with money creation. Therefore, adopting a different system that separates money creation from finance is necessary to provide authentic halal products.
      913  298
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