The study of readiness of cloud platform initiative for National Library of Malaysia



Journal Title

Journal ISSN

Volume Title


Kuala Lumpur: International Islamic University Malaysia, 2013

Subject LCSH

Web services -- Library applications
Cloud computing
Libraries -- Information technology
Electronic information resources -- Management

Subject ICSI

Call Number

t Z 674.75 W67 N822S 2013

Research Projects

Organizational Units

Journal Issue


This study is aimed at identifying the need for adopting web scale cloud library initiative by the National Library of Malaysia and suggesting collaboration with the existing OCLC in providing standard global web scale library content. In so doing, this study will point to the areas where this move can be further promoted for a gradual full scale global collaboration. Since cloud technology holds promising future and probably the best structural option for digital contents repository. Cloud library will not only cut cost but it also best mean in handling limitless content. A sample of 78 librarians from the National Library of Malaysia representing various levels and departments were chosen to give their feedback revolving on the idea of cloud library, gauging their understanding and getting feedback on future library trends, needs and requirements whilst getting general overview of how cloud library initiatives, should it be the platform of choice, the impact towards patrons of the National Library of Malaysia. There is a general understanding among respondents that internet brings in great impact and will in fact bring in fundamental changes in ways how librarians and librarianship of the future. While the understanding is profound, but detailed understanding in differences of future content platforms is still vague and knowledge on cloud as an option for library services is very not evident among the respondents. There is basic readiness to embark on cloud library initiatives but this understanding is still superficial and need to be beefed up in order to provide for a sound transition and efficacy of transformation.



