Publication: The Political Rhetoric of Secularism, Democracy, and Islamophobia in Turkey.
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Subject LCSH
Subject ICSI
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This research proposes a possible analysis of the use of Islamic rhetoric by secular opposition leaders in Turkey that entrenches Islamophobia through a synthesis of Islamic discourses, political rhetoric, and national interests to influence the dynamic nature of identity construction. This study examines anti-Muslim racism in the discursive elements of secular elites in the opposition through media statements between 2013-2022, which reflects the period after the Gezi Park protests. Critical discourse analysis (CDA) will be used to present potential analyses concerning the dynamics that regulate and discipline Muslim subjects and thoughts in the media. The political function of Islamophobia typically refers to the process of antagonizing Islam and Muslims through anti-Muslim racism and sentiments to produce a Muslim “enemy” that is kept outside the social and political collective. The analysis of the Islamophobic content of the opposition’s messages is the first step to identity-shifting public perception. Still, examining how the Turkish people perceive the phenomenon is crucial to understanding its performative implications. Additionally, the media landscape in Turkey is heavily distorted, biased, and driven by both Islamophobic attitudes and AKP’s political ideology rather than being grounded in the principles of justice, evidence-based analysis, and democratic reform. Political elites in Turkey on both sides of the spectrum must promote inclusive and respectful discourse in the media that focuses on addressing genuine challenges rather than misappropriating Islamic concepts to other conservative parties and Muslims, or in the ruling parties’ case, advancing its political agenda.