أدب السيرة الذاتية بين إحسان عباس و شحنون أحمد : دراسة مقارنة

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Kuala Lumpur : Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences, International Islamic University Malaysia, 2011

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This study investigates from a comparative literature perspective the genre of autobiography in Arabic and Malay Literature based on the works of two prominent authors; Ihsan Abbas and Shahnon Ahmad. It focuses on Ihsan Abbas’s autobiography “Ghurbat ar Rai’e” and Shahnon Ahmad’s autobiography “Perjalananku Sejauh Ini: Sebuah Autobiografi”. The study examines the main issues in both autobiographies and their literary characteristics and subsequently highlights the similarities and differences between the two. The study adopts descriptive-inductive, analytical and comparative methods to achieve the objectives. The main issues studied in this research are the feeling of alienation, social situation and political issues. The sub-issues in “Ghurbat ar Raie” are educational dimensions, passionate experience, and patriotism. On the other hand, “Perjalananku Sejauh Ini: Sebuah Autobiografi” comprises sub-issues such as the influence of the environment, the journey of creativity and the yearning for zenith. The study also demonstrates their literary features in language and style, events and conflicts, and truthfulness and frankness. It reveals that academic characters are clearly presented in Ihsan Abbas compared to Shahnon Ahmad whose artistic personality is more obvious.



