Browsing by Author "Muhammad, Akilu Aliyu"
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Publication David Samuel Margoliouth`s views on the Prophethood of Muhammad (P.B.U.H) and revelation of the qur`an : a critical assessment(Kuala Lumpur :Kulliyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences, International Islamic University Malaysia, 2016, 2016) ;Muhammad, Akilu AliyuThe Prophethood of Muhammad (p.b.u.h) and revelation of the Qur’an have been the main themes in Muslim-Christian relations. Many works were and are published by Christian scholars regarding these issues. David Samuel Margoliouth (d. 1940) is one of the most prominent and intellectual Christian scholars who wrote extensively on these subjects. His works are amongst the most controversial treatises which depicted Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h) and the revelation of the Qur’an negatively. Researches on his views concerning these issues seem to be more descriptive than analytical and evaluative. Hence, in this research, a new and unique approach has been applied. The researcher has attempted, while investigating his evidence, to critically analyse and assess his various views concerning these areas. In an attempt to carry out this task, principal approaches, namely historical, analytical, evaluative and comparative have been widely used. Thus, after presenting a considerable account on his historical and intellectual backgrounds, the researcher has analysed his various views where he has been found depicting the Prophet (p.b.u.h) as a superstitious, idolater, craven, immoral and even as a false Prophet whose main aim was to gain abslute power and personal distinction. Moreover, as regard to the the Qur’an, Margoliouth hasbeen found depicting the Prophet’s experiences during its reception as epileptic fits. He has also been found attempting to figure out some difficulties or problems in it. However, evaluation of those and his other views has revealed that, he was a mere conjecturer since all his evidence could not withstand critical examinations.1 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication Kenneth Cragg`s views on prophethood in Islam with a special reference to his book "Muhammad and the christian" : a critical evaluation(Kuala Lumpur : Kulliyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Science, International Islamic University Malaysia, 2014, 2014) ;Muhammad, Akilu AliyuThe Prophethood of Muhammad (S.A.W) has been the focal point of Muslim-Christian relations. Many books and articles are published on this issue. One of the most prominent Christian scholars, Kenneth Cragg (2012), wrote a book and entitled it as “Muhammad and the Christian: A Question of Response” presenting his views on Muhammad’s Prophethood. Therefore, this research analyzed and evaluated three areas of the aforementioned book, namely: Muhammad and Tasliyah, Muhammad and the Qur’an and Muhammad and qital. Principal approaches have been used in this research, namely: historical, analytical, comparative and evaluative. In this research Cragg’s claim that Tasliyah and Incarnation have the same notion has been evaluated. The researcher argued that these two issues are incompatible and that there is no divinity in the person of Muhammad (S.A.W). It was also found that Cragg’s acknowledgement of Muhammad (S.A.W) as “the Prophet of the Qur’an” is a mere claim, and that Muhammad is the Prophet of Allah not the Prophet of the Qur’an. It was also found that Cragg’s argument that the military dimension of Islam is one of the obstacles to the Christian faithful appreciation of Muhammad is also a mere assertion and that not only the Qur’an but even the Bible contains many issues of war. Hence, the issue of qital in Islam cannot hinder any faithful Christian from positive appreciation of Muhammad (S.A.W).