This repository collects, preserves and provides access to digital materials of students' works. At present, the collections in this repository consist of post graduate's theses & dissertations of IIUM students, from 1987 onwards. For better experience of one stop search for more library collections, contents of IIUM Theses Repository are also recoverable by EDS on the Library Discovery here. This repository is managed by Access & Metadata Unit, Knowledge Resources Development Section, Dar al-Hikmah Library. Any inquiries can be forwarded to studentrepo@iium.edu.my.

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    Youth Political Participation Through Social Media: A Case Study of Undergraduate Students of Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences in International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM)
    (Kuala Lumpur :International Islamic University Malaysia,2025, 2025)
    ROHANA BINTI ABDUL HAMID,Assistant Professor
    This thesis aims to look into how social media has emerged as a novel venue for political participation. Research has shown that young people's engagement in conventional political participation is declining. Nevertheless, additional research indicates that youth might opt for unconventional political participation via social media platforms. This study examines the young people's political participation on social media. The first research question: How does political interest explain young people's participation in online politics? Next, why did young people use social media to engage in political activities? The third research question is: How do young people use social media in political activities? This thesis is guided by three objectives. The first objective is to explore the role of political interest in online politics. The second objective is to examine the gratifications that motivate youth to use social media to engage in political activities. The third objective is to examine the type of political activities of young people on social media. In pursuit of the objectives, the study is guided by uses and gratification theory to answer the research questions. The study employs a qualitative research method. Data was gathered from transcripts of focus group discussions and thematic content analysis was utilized to examine the data. The study discovers that social media is a platform for young people to receive and communicate political news and information. The findings also show that political interest is a factor that encourages the respondents to participate in online activities. The study contributes to a greater understanding of young people�s use of social media to communicate, obtain information and participate in society.
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    (Kuala Lumpur :International Islamic University Malaysia,2025, 2025)
    The global rise in mental health issues underscores the urgent need for robust mental health legislation that guarantees equitable access to treatment, care, and support. In Malaysia, the Mental Health Act 2001 (MHA 2001) has served as a foundational legal framework for the regulation of mental health care, the protection of individuals with mental health conditions, and the establishment of procedures for treatment and care within the legal system. However, the Act has become increasingly inadequate in addressing the complex and evolving needs of individuals with mental health conditions. This research critically examines the limitations of the MHA 2001, highlighting its narrow, medicalized approach, the absence of provisions for early intervention, and its failure to adequately safeguard the rights and dignity of individuals living with mental health conditions. Specifically, the Act's limitations include an insufficient focus on informed consent and autonomy, as well as the perpetuation of stigmatizing language and attitudes towards individuals with mental health conditions. Through a comprehensive analysis, this study advocates for a more inclusive, patient-centered legal framework that better aligns with contemporary mental health needs and international human rights standards. This study proposes a reformulated approach that integrates maq??id al-shar??ah (the objectives of Islamic law) and international human rights standards to create a more comprehensive, inclusive, and rights-based framework for mental health legislation. The integration of maq??id al-shar??ah offers a holistic perspective, ensuring that mental health laws safeguard not only the physical and psychological well-being of individuals but also their dignity, autonomy, and social integration. Furthermore, aligning mental health legislation with international human rights standards is crucial to ensuring that the law promotes non-discrimination, safeguards the right to health, and upholds the protection of individual rights. Utilizing content analysis and doctrinal research methodology, this study conducts a detailed examination of the current legal framework, relevant international conventions, and maq??id al-shar??ah principles. It analyzes how these elements can be synthesized to address the gaps in the MHA 2001, proposing a more nuanced, culturally appropriate, and globally aligned approach to mental health legislation. The findings suggest that integrating Islamic legal principles with international human rights standards can lead to more equitable and effective mental health policies that are both responsive to the diverse needs of individuals and reflective of universal human values. This research contributes to the discourse on mental health law reform, offering practical recommendations for policy changes that better serve the mental well-being of individuals while protecting their rights and dignity.
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    Legal Protection of Bangladeshi Migrant Workers in Malaysia: An Analytical Study
    (Kuala Lumpur :International Islamic University Malaysia,2025, 2025)
    MUHAMAD HASSAN BIN AHMAD,Assistant Professor
    The safety movement of migrant workers working overseas with legal protection has always been in the midst of threats to their rights due to the lack of efficient legal regimes and cooperative agreements among the states. This compelling situation forces the international community to create regulatory frameworks that effectively suppress migrant workers� protection. Due to the industrial revolution and economic growth, Malaysia has become one of the most important hubs for migrant workers, especially in south and southeast Asian nations. In addition, the number of Bangladeshi legal migrant workers has sharply increased in recent years. The researcher, therefore, aims to conduct an in-depth study to identify, examine, analyse deficiencies, and propose viable solutions in contemporary international law relevant to the protection of migrant workers, regional agreements, and arrangements by the sending and receiving countries. The study also incorporates discussion on relevant national and international legal instruments, namely the United Nations Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families (ICRMW), the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), the International Labour Organization (ILO) Convention, the Bangladesh Overseas Employment and Migrants Act 2013, the Prevention and Suppression of Human Trafficking Act 2012, the Emigration Ordinance 1982, and Malaysian Employment Laws. The primary focus of the research is doctrinal, and the researcher employs multidimensional methods of legal research, predominantly qualitative in nature. The researcher uses an analytical approach to examine the efficacy of the aforesaid contemporary international and domestic legal frameworks. The analysis also evaluates various definitions of migrant workers in international law, Malaysian employment law, and Bangladesh labour law. The study conducted a thorough analysis of existing legal means and concluded that both Malaysia and Bangladesh should implement a regulatory framework to effectively suppress such legal protection. Nevertheless, the Bangladesh Overseas Employment and Migrants Act 2013 plays a vital role in maintaining all legal procedures for export labour migration overseas. The Prevention and Suppression of Human Trafficking Act 2012 also imports factors to protect the legal rights of migrant workers. Furthermore, the protection of migrant workers� rights under Malaysian domestic laws is significantly richer. The Federal Constitution also gave equal rights to all the citizens who legally stay and work in Malaysia. In addition, the Employment Act 1955 (West Malaysia), the Workmen�s Compensation Act 1952, the Worker�s Minimum Standard of Housing and Amenities Act 1990, the Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994, and the Minimum Wages Order 2012 are available to protect the rights of migrant workers in Malaysia. Hence, the researcher suggests that it would be more effective to supplement the aforesaid international conventions with regional agreements, which can provide more pragmatic solutions to address issues relating to the definitions of legal protection for migrant workers. This study has assessed the effectiveness of current migrant worker laws in Bangladesh and Malaysia, recommending the implementation of selected amended laws in Malaysia and the need for amendments to some of Bangladesh�s overseas immigrant laws. This research should help address the legal rights of migrant workers in Bangladesh and Malaysia; besides, it has reviewed traditional and contemporary laws pertinent to this area of academic inquiry.
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    The Impact of Two-tier Healthcare Systems Service Quality on Patient Satisfaction: A Study on International Students in Selangor
    (Kuala Lumpur :International Islamic University Malaysia,2024, 2024)
    YUSNILIYANA BINTI YUSOF,Assistant Professor
    ABSTRACT The expanding globalisation of higher education creates considerable challenges for international students attempting to access and utilise healthcare services in their host countries. This study examines the impact of service quality and two-tier healthcare systems on patient satisfaction among international students in Selangor, Malaysia. The study examines public and private sectors to understand how international students perceive healthcare. Service quality favours patient satisfaction, loyalty, and involvement among international students in Selangor, Malaysia, by promoting trust and a supportive healthcare environment. It also contributes to the broader discussion on the quality of healthcare services and patient satisfaction by offering insightful information to legislators, healthcare professionals, and other stakeholders, intending to improve healthcare experiences for international students in diverse healthcare systems. A self-administered questionnaire was used to gather primary data in Selangor, Malaysia, of which 250 responses were considered valid for analysis. The gathered data was analysed using SPSS to assess the constructs reliability. Multiple regression and exploratory factor analyses (EFA) were also carried out. Evaluating aspects of service quality like tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy is done through structured surveys that are adapted from well-known frameworks like SERVQUAL. These elements significantly and positively impact patient satisfaction among the international students in Selangor, Malaysia.
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    The Influence of Human Resource Management Practices on Innovation in Malaysian Waqf Institution
    (Kuala Lumpur :International Islamic University Malaysia,2024, 2024)
    NOR AZIZAN BINTI CHE EMBI,Associate Professor
    "ملخَّص البحث الغرض الأساسي مِن هذا البحث هو دراسة تأثير ممارسات إدارة الموارد البشرية على الابتكار داخل مؤسسات الوقف في ماليزيا، إذ تواجه مؤسسات الوقف في ماليزيا تحديات كبيرة في إدارة الأصول وتطويرها، حيث تعيقها الموارد المالية المحدودة، وعدم كفاية التمويل، ونواقص في إدارة الموارد البشرية. ويتناول هذا البحث تلك التحديات، ويحاول سد الثغرات التي تعاني منها إدارة الوقف، والتي منها أيضا التركيز الضيق على ممارسات إدارة الموارد البشرية المحددة دون النظر إلى فعاليتها الشاملة. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، لم يتمّ استكشاف دور الوساطة لتبادل المعرفة في العلاقة بين ممارسات إدارة الموارد البشرية والابتكار التنظيمي في مؤسسات الوقف بشكل كافٍ في الدراسات السابقة، وكذلك الأبحاث غير الكافية حول تأثير أنواع الابتكار المختلفة التي تدفعها ممارسات إدارة الموارد البشرية. يعتمد هذا البحث في معالجة هذه الفجوة على استخدام تصميم بحثي كمي. حيث يتم توزيع الاستبيانات على 372 موظفًا يعملون في قطاع الوقف في ماليزيا، وقد تمّ استلام 204 استبيانًا فقط، وما تمّ استخدامه هو 201 استيبانا فقط. وقد تمّ تحليل البيانات باستخدام الحزمة الإحصائية للعلوم الاجتماعية لغرض إجراء الفحص الأولي للبيانات، والبرمجيات الجزئية الأقل تربيًعا، نمذجة المعادلات الهيكلية (PLS-SEM) لاختبار نمذجة المسار والعلاقة بين متغييرات الدراسة. يدرس البحث الآثار المباشرة وغير المباشرة لممارسات إدارة الموارد البشرية المختلفة، وهي: إدارة المسار الوظيفي، والتعويضات، وتقييم الأداء، والتدريب والتطوير، على مشاركة المعرفة والابتكار التنظيمي. تظهر النتائج تأثيرات مباشرة مهمة لممارسات إدارة الموارد البشرية على الابتكار، حيث تؤثر إدارة المسار الوظيفي والتعويضات وتقييم الأداء بشكل إيجابي على مشاركة المعرفة. ومع ذلك، لا يظهر للتدريب والتطوير تأثيرًا كبيرًا. بشكل مثير للاهتمام، لم يتبين لنا أنّ مشاركة المعرفة تعمل كوسيط في العلاقة بين ممارسات إدارة الموارد البشرية والابتكار التنظيمي. إنّ هذه الدراسة تساهم بشكل كبير في كل من المجال الأكاديمي والتداعيات العملية. من خلال تسليط الضوء على ممارسات إدارة الموارد البشرية المحددة التي تؤثر على الابتكار داخل مؤسسات الوقف، توفر النتائج رؤى قيمة للقادة التنظيميين، وصانعي السياسات والأكاديميين لتطوير استراتيجيات إدارة الموارد البشرية المصمّمة لقطاع الوقف، مما يعزز الابتكار والكفاءة التنظيمية في نهاية المطاف. تعتبر هذه الدراسة مهمة لزيادة المعرفة في المجالات الغير مكتشفة نسبيًا حيث تلتقي ممارسات إدارة الموارد البشرية وتبادل المعلومات والابتكار في مؤسسات الوقف الماليزية."
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    Self-regulated learning strategies and self-efficacy among Kulliyyah of Human Sciences IIUM undergraduate students
    (Kuala Lumpur : Kulliyyah of Education, International Islamic University Malaysia, 2003, 2003) ;
    Joharry Othman
    This study investigates the relationship between self-regulated learning strategies and self-efficacy among Kulliyyah of Human Sciences IIUM undergraduate students. It also attempts to identify the common self-regulated learning strategies that students use during their study and identify the level of self-efficacy. Lastly, it also investigates if there is a re1ationship between self-regulated ]earning strategies and self-efficacy with the variables of gender, CGPA and major. The study utilizes two questionnaires. The first measures self-regulated learning strategies and the second questionnaire measures students' level of self-efficacy. A stratified random sampling was used to se1ect 293 undergraduate students from the Ku1liyyah of Human Sciences. Descriptive statistics, correlational ana1ysis and cross tabulation are used to analyze the data. Findings provide evidence that respondents frequently use some strategies like "keeping records and monitoring", "reviewing texts, notes and test" in their study with the majority of the students being at the moderate ]eve] of self-efficacy. The study also shows that there is a significant relationship between self-regulated learning strategies and self-efficacy. As for gender and CGPA they did not correlate significantly with self-regulated learning strategies, while major has significant relationship with self-regulated learning strategies. Finally, there is no significant relationship between self-efficacy and variables of gender and CGP A. In contrast, the ]eve] of self-efficacy has a significant relationship with majors.
      11  791
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    التلفيق في المعاملات المصرفية الإسلامية : دراسة تحليلية تقويمية
    (Kuala Lumpur : Kulliyyah Abdulhamid Abusulayman Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences, 2024, 2024)
    سليمي، عبد الله أحمد سعيد
    Sulaimi, Abdulla Ahmed Said
    Akhtarzaite Abdul Aziz, Ph.D
    Muhammad Amanullah, Ph.D
    This dissertation presents a comprehensive study of the issue of talfiq (concoction) in Islamic banking contracts. Many people believe that Islamic banking is merely a replication of conventional banking and does not meet the spirit (maqasid) of shariah due to the similarities between Islamic finance products and conventional usurious products in their economic effects. The study is divided into five chapters, with the first chapter introducing the problem and the structure of the dissertation .The second chapter delves into the concepts of ijtihad, taq?ld, and ift??, clarifying the terms and conditions related to each concept. The third chapter provides a detailed explanation of the concept of talfiq and its types, as well as the difference between talfiq and other related terms in Islamic jurisprudence .The forth chapter discusses the emergence of Islamic banking and whether adopting an approach of h?lah in forming Islamic financial contracts is acceptable. It also explains why Islamic banks are forced to imitate conventional banking and the economic consequences of such imitation .The fifth chapter provides a critical analysis of the main Islamic financial contracts, including mur?baha, ig?rah muntahia bi’taml?k, and mush?rakah mutan?qisah. The study has adopted an inductive approach in gathering the related information. It also applied an analytic method to discuss the arguments and deduce its results. The study concludes that the main reason why Islamic banks are forced to imitate conventional ones is the banking system, where finance is connected with money creation. Therefore, adopting a different system that separates money creation from finance is necessary to provide authentic halal products.
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