ضيائي، علي اكبرZiaee, Ali AkbarAli AkbarZiaee2024-10-082024-10-082009https://studentrepo.iium.edu.my/handle/123456789/8410This research is a critical edit and study of the book: Azhār al-rawdāt fī sharh rawdāt al-jannāt by Hasan Kāfi Aqhisārī (٩٥١-١٠٢٤ H), who is originally from Bosnia. In the introductory section of the study, I searched his personal and scholarly biography thoroughly and also his ideas on the science of theology. I then compare his ideas to those of the other scholars, such as, Abū al-Hasan al-‘Ash‘arī and Abū Mansūr al- Māturīdī. I point out the author’s method vice versa commentary on his book, Azhār al-rawdāt, and demonstrate how he benefited from other theological commentaries. I also mention that Hasan Kāfī defended the beliefs of the adherents of the Sunna in line with al-Imām Abū Hanīfah’s school of thought generally, and especially in line with al-Imām Māturīdī school. However, it is impossible to consider him a pure Māturīdī adherent, because he also followed the method of al-Imām Abū Hanīfah regarding fundamental and practical applications of issues pertaining to jurisprudence. In the section on research, I make a critical edit of the book: Azhār al-rawdāt fī sharh rawdāt al-jannāt, in which the author demonstrated the ideas of adherents of the Sunna and defended them. He also exposed some beliefs of adherents of the Ibāhiyyah and deviant Sufi schools of thought, as well as materialist philosophers and responded to their ideas. While making this critical edit, I refer to Quranic Verses, Prophetic traditions and famous speeches of scholars. I also make necessary comments on the pertinent issues, and mention divers copies of manuscripts in the margin of the research. In the final section of the study, I include an index of sources of the editions and studies relating to the ideas of the author, as mentioned in the introduction.arCopyright International Islamic University MalaysiaIslam -- DoctrinesIslam -- CreedsSunnitesIslam -- Bosnia and Hercegovina -- Historyأزهار الروضات في شرح روضات الجنات، دراسة وتحقيقDoctoral Thesishttps://lib.iium.edu.my/mom/services/mom/document/getFile/AefQk8K7Y9GO4IfjFLt8PmHg0f84SguN20110809091744500Azhar al-rawdat fi sharh Rawdat al-jannat, dirasah wa-tahqiq