Siti Fatimah binti Mohd Tawil2024-10-082024-10-082009 purpose of this research is to examine the co-citation pattern among authors of the Islamic Finance papers. This research identified the most frequently co-cited (paired) authors, identified their co-cited documents and themes, identified the contributions of co-cited authors made on the works of Islamic Finance, identified the clusters of citations within a sample of Islamic Finance literature and examined the relationship between the citing and co-cited documents in Islamic Finance literature. The methodology included co-citation analysis of the source documents and survey of their authors. Instruments used were the counting of the number of times two papers were cited and a set of questionnaire. Bibliographic citations and themes for both citing and cited documents were entered into a data structure built in InMagic. Samples of 100 papers were used as the source documents. Results were represented by tabulation of tables, clusters and graphs wherever applicable. The most highly cocited authors were Chapra & Ahmad Ziauddin, Chapra & Iqbal M, Chapra & Iqbal Z, Chapra & El Naggar, Al-Maududi & Afzalur Rahman, Chapra & Volker and Chapra & Al-Qureshi. The three most highly cited documents were “Towards a just monetary system”, “Banking and Finance in the Arab Middle East” and “Islam and the Theory of Interest”. The three most highly cited themes were Islamic Economics, Riba and Third world. All documents and themes were co-cited only once. The research fronts were Islamic Law, Islamic Economics, Financial Institutions, Third world and Profits. The clusters that have been done were the clusters on the highly co-cited authors, highly cited documents, highly cited themes and the research fronts. Findings of this research project would shed lights on the co-cited documents used to produce papers and publications on Islamic Finance. In addition, this research contributed as part of the state-of-the-art review of works on Islamization at IIUM and to the area of cocitation analysis that examine a field from a religious perspective.enCopyright International Islamic University MalaysiaBibliographical citationsFinance -- Religious aspects -- Islam -- Bibliography -- MethodologyBibliometricsBibliography -- DatabasesIslamic finance : a co-citation analysisMaster Thesis