حسانين، عبد الرحمن ممدوح أحمدHassanein, Abdelrahman Mamdouh AhmedAbdelrahman Mamdouh AhmedHassanein2024-10-082024-10-082020https://studentrepo.iium.edu.my/handle/123456789/9968The study aimed to identify the relationship between knowledge management and decision-making among academic leaders and faculty members of Mansoura University. The research adopted a descriptive analytical methodology and the sample of the study was randomly selected from participants, during the second semester of the academic year 2018/2019. The questionnaire consisted of (45) items, divided into two axes. The first axis was knowledge management and the second axis was for decision-making. The data was processed using the following statistical methods: Frequency, Percentage, Arithmetic Mean, Pearson's Correlation Coefficient, Cronbach Alpha Correlation Coefficient, T-Test, and One Way ANOVA. The study concluded the following results: Knowledge management was low for academic leaders and faculty members at Mansoura University. The highest item for faculty members and academic leaders under Knowledge management was "identifying knowledge needs". There were no statistically significant differences (0.05 or less) between the means of the study sample for „knowledge management‟, according to academic degree, gender, academic position or years of experience. Moreover, decision-making was low among faculty members and academic leaders. The highest item for faculty members and academic leaders under decision-making was „diagnosis of problems‟. There were statistically significant differences (0.05 or less) between the means of the study sample for decision-making, according to „academic position‟. The rest of the variables were not statistically significant (0.05 or less). To sum up, no relationships were found between knowledge management and decision-making for Mansoura University faculty members and academic leaders at the level of 0.05 or less. The study ended with some recommendations and suggestions.arKnowledge management -- Decision making -- EgyptEducators -- Employees -- Education (Higher) -- Egyptالعلاقة بين إدارة المعرفة وإتخاذ القرار لدى القيادات الاكاديمية وأعضاء هيئة التدريس بجامعة المنصورة من وجهة نظرهمDoctoral Thesisal-'Alaqah bayna idarah al-ma'rifah wa-ittikhadh al-qarar laday al-qiyadat al-akadimiyah wa-a'da' hay'ah al-tadris bi-Jami'ah al-Mansurah min wajhah nazarihim