برعمي، مسلم نصيب سعيدBarami, Musallam NasibMusallam NasibBarami2024-10-082024-10-082022https://studentrepo.iium.edu.my/handle/123456789/8611The aim of the study was to identify the role of endowment in Islamic civilization; to clarify the role of the Othman bin Affan endowment in humanitarian services in Islamic civilization; to monitor the obstacles that limit the endowment from performing its role in the modem era; and to reveal the mechanisms of endowment investment and development in the modem era. The research problem was represented by the role of endowment in Islamic civilization, especially the endowment of Othman bin Affan. T h e i n du c t i v e and descriptive analytical methods were used to know the mechanisms that were i mp 1 e m e n t e d at that time and reveal the obstacles that limit the endowment's provision of community services in our contemporary reality. The most significant findings of the study are the following: Throughout the lengthy history of Islam, the Islamic endowment system is one of the systems that has affected various aspects of economic, social, cultural, and religious life in Islamic civilization. The endowment made a significant contribution to religious life. It was fundamental in establishing places of worship, contributing to the memorization of the Qur' an, endowing religious books, helping the poor who are unable to perform the Hajj, aiding considerably to the Islamic Jihad movement, rising against the occupation in Islamic countries, and extending a helping hand to the Islamic minorities scattered in various countries. In terms of cultural life, the endowment made significant contributions to the educational process, as well as to the dissemination of scientific knowledge to different members of society, especially the poor, as well as contributed to the provision of books, by endowing integrated libraries to facilitate the task of teachers and students. The endowment has also contributed significantly in the aspect of social life, in which it supported the teaching of medical and pharmaceutical sciences, by providing special places for this, continuing the work of health centers as long as possible, choosing the best expertise to work in suspended hospitals, as well as W aqf medical books, so that they are accessible to everyone. The endowment also contributed to the establishment of infrastructure projects such as roads, schools, mosques, wells, roads, and fortifications of cemeteries and tombs. It also helped m the increase of all kinds of production.ar" الأوقاف ودورها في الحضارة الإسلامية " وقف عثمان بن عفان نموزجاMaster Thesisal-Awqaf wa-dawruha fi al-hadarah al-Islamiyah " waqf 'Uthman ibn 'Affan namudhajan "Waqf -- Roles and objectivesCivilization, Islamic -- Characteristics