Saiful Azlan Othman2024-12-122024-12-122024 study explores Malaysian school leaders’ effective practices to solve problems and make decisions in times of crisis. The study employed a qualitative research design with a multi-site case study. The data is obtained through semi-structured interviews with six secondary school leaders in a northern Malaysian state. Each participant has at least 30 years of educational experience and has served as a school leader for at least three years. Braun and Clarke’s (2006) Six-Phase Thematic Analysis is utilised to analyse the interview data. The findings of the study are presented using Bazeley’s (2009) D-C-R: Describe, Compare, Relate. The findings reveal school leaders’ practices for responding to and managing crises. During the crisis, school leaders used a variety of effective problem-solving and decision-making strategies. The findings then revealed the use of an eclectic style of leadership during the crisis. The personalised leadership practices revealed a combination of models and theories that were helpful for effective problem-solving and decision-making during the crisis. Major challenges such as learning disruptions, digital gaps and ensuring equity in learning are also highlighted by school leaders. The findings also suggested that leading a school during a crisis requires significant moral, financial, and professional support. Additionally, school leaders need better training programmes on crisis management, problem-solving, and decision-making. The findings also revealed that school leaders need empowerment and autonomy to effectively solve problems and make decisions during a crisis. Overall, the study adds to the field of education by giving useful insights for school leaders, policymakers and other stakeholders looking to improve leadership effectiveness in crisis management and how to cope with crises in educational settings in the future. Keywords: School leaders, educational leadership, problem-solving, decision-making, crisis management, educational policy.enOWNED BY IIUMExploring school leaders’ effective problem-solving and decision-making practices in times of crisisdoctoral thesis