Bello, AbdullahiAbdullahiBello2024-10-082024-10-082011 computing is now gaining attention of not only environmental organizations, but all sectors of human activities. Business organizations, institutions and industries are beginning to realize the necessity for protecting the environment and energy saving along with computing operational expenses. Companies in the computing industry have come to realize the urgency for going green is in their best interest both in terms of public relations and reduced cost. This study is an attempt to examine the level of awareness and knowledge of green computing among students and lecturers at the International Islamic University Malaysia. A total of 240 (180 students and 60 lecturers) respondents were used in the study and each respondent was requested to indicate his/her level of awareness and knowledge of the items/ideas by ticking the appropriate option contained in the instrument about green computing awareness and knowledge. The items used in the study are self-developed and were subjected to expert validation. In addition, the reliability of the instrument was established using Cronbach’s alpha coefficient and found fit after exposing them to pilot testing and the actual survey. The findings of the study indicated that there is a significant difference between ICT and non-ICT-based respondents in the level of awareness and knowledge of green computing, but it further revealed that there is no significant difference in the level of both awareness and knowledge reported between students and lecturers. The study recommends that the university should mount an enlightenment campaign in order to mobilize staff and students in the university about the awareness and knowledge of green computing so that all hands will be on deck to actualize the dream of going green.enCopyright International Islamic University MalaysiaInformation technology--Environmental aspectsComputer science--Environmental aspectsInformation technology--Energy consumptionGreen technologyAwareness and knowledge of green computing among students and lectures of IIUM, Kuala LumpurMaster Thesis