رياض عبد الرحمن محمد ،جعفريJaafari, Riyadh Abdulrahman MohammadRiyadh Abdulrahman MohammadJaafari2024-10-082024-10-082021https://studentrepo.iium.edu.my/handle/123456789/10081Learning Arabic Language has become area of interest for many students. The sources of this motivation are sprung by religious, political, social, economic, cultural and other drives. IQRAA Institute for teaching Arabic to non-native speakers is one of learning institutions for Arabic Language. As a result, this study aimed to evaluate the strategies used to develop linguistic communication among learners of non-native Arabic at the fourth level of the IQRAA Institute for Teaching Arabic; identifying barriers faced in the use of Arabic language learning strategies to develop language communication; proposing a training program, then evaluate its effectiveness in developing Arabic Language Communication. This study used an experimental approach with a sample size of all fourth-level students that constitutes the entire population of students at the IQRAA Institute for Teaching Arabic. The study used two instruments: (the questionnaire - and the achievement test). The study applied a developed learning strategies for Arabic Language for the listening and speaking skills to the students after the pre-test given to the student then the post-test was applied. The study yielded a number of results, most notably: the results of pre and post-tests showed that there are statistically significant differences at the level (0.01) between the average level of language communication skills among learners of non-native Arabic at the fourth level in the IQRAA Institute for Language Teaching Arabic language in favor of the post application of developed program. The study recommended the use of the developed program for teaching non-native Arabic language fourth level learners at the IQRA Institute to develop their language communication, and encouraged the institute to develop their teaching strategies. The current study further suggested that an experimental study should be conducted using other strategies at IQRAA Institute for Teaching Arabic Language.arIQRAA Institute for Teaching Arabic -- Malaysia -- Kuala LumpurLanguage and languages -- Study and teaching -- MalaysiaArabic language -- Study and teaching -- Foreign speakers -- Malaysiaفاعلية برنامج مقترح قائم على استراتيجيات تعلم اللغة العربية في تنمية مهارات التواصل اللغوي لدى متعلمي اللغة العربية غير الناطقين بهاDoctoral ThesisFa'iliyyah barnamaj muqtarah qa'im 'ala istiratijiyat ta'allam al-Lughah al-'Arabiyah fi tanmiyah maharat al-tawasul al-lughawi laday muta'allimi al-Lughah al-'Arabiyah ghayr al-natiqin bi-ha