برغوث، عبد العزيزBerghout, AbdelazizAbdelazizBerghout2024-10-082024-10-082021https://studentrepo.iium.edu.my/handle/123456789/10031The study analysed the importance of comprehensive competencies framework (Madkhal al-malakat al-shamila) in constructing an approach of the competencies (khifayat) required for lecturers of Islamic sciences in universities. The study aspires, among others, towards proposing al-malakat approach for the preparation of lecturers of Islamic sciences. It has been designed to enhance lecturers’capabilities, performances, achievements and impacts on teaching and learning. In order to achieve its objectives, the study used a mixed method approach that combined the qualitative analysis as well as the quantitative method. The sample of the qualitative and quantitative methods was chosen to suit the nature of the study and its objectives. The research applied in its first stage the descriptive analytical method, in order to build a perception about the approach of al-Malakat which aims at identifying the most important competencies (kifayat) required for lecturers of Islamic sciences in universities. In the second stage, the study used the quantitative approach through conducting focused scientific interviews with a selected sample of 15 specialised lecturers with long experience in teaching Islamic sciences from the Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge & Human Sciences and Kulliyyah of Education International Islamic University Malaysia, the University of Mohammed V. and the University of Moulay Sulyman in Morocco. Interviews were used to answer the objectives of the study (1), (2), and (3), and were also used as a technique to collect the opinions of the evaluators of the proposed approach in the first round. In the third stage of this study, an evaluation form was used as a tool to evaluate the proposed approach in the second round of the Delphi technique. To analyse the fifth stage data there was a need to use the quantitative approach; by using statistical analysis and employing its various techniques to analyse the evaluators’ forms and views namely the Interquartil Range and Coefficient of Variation. The study concluded that the comprehensive competencies framework (al-malakat approach) is an important framework which integrates Islamic educational principles and modern experiences pertaining to the preparation of lecturers of the Islamic sciences in universities. The proposed approach consists of three main malakat, each of which includes a set of main and subsidiary competencies, namely: the istikhlafic malakat, the cognitive and mental malakat and the performance, achievement and continuous improvement malakat (professional malakat). This approach allows for comprehensive preparation of the Islamic sciences lecturers intellectually, cognitively, psychologically, emotionally, behaviourally, skilfully and professionally according to the integrated Islamic educational framework .The study provided several recommendations for the implementation of this approach and further enhance research in order to develop a separate specialisation of Islamic Sciences Education for lecturers’ preparation according to malakat approach.arIslam and science -- Study and teaching -- MalaysiaIslam and science -- Study and teaching -- MoroccoLectures (Teaching methods)تصور مقترح لكفايات أستاذ العلوم الإسلامية في الجامعات في ضوء مدخل الملكات في الفكر التربوي الإسلاميDoctoral ThesisTasur muqtarah li-kifayat ustaz al-'ulum al-Islamiyah fi al-Jami'at fi daw' madkhal al-malikat fi al-fikr al-tarbawi al-Islami