Shad, Khalid MehmoodKhalid MehmoodShad2024-10-032024-10-032012 change is one of the most pressing threats and challenges of our time. It is caused by a buildup of greenhouse gases increasingly emitted by human activities mostly the burning of fossil fuels. The Kyoto Protocol attempts to address this environmental problem by legally binding emissions targets by an average of 5.2 per cent below 1990 levels duringthe commitment period 2008-12. In order to achieve this objective the Kyoto Protocol has introduced flexible mechanisms. They are: International Emission Trading, Clean Development Mechanism, Joint Implementation and Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry. However, these mechanisms have turned out to be beneficial for developed countries rather than developing and least developed countries. Therefore, the Kyoto Protocol can be said to have partially achieved its objective. Notwithstanding that COP 17 has attempted to give life to the Kyoto Protocol, the future roadmap is still unclear especially in view of the fact that the US is not ready to ratify the Kyoto Protocol and Canada has withdrawn its membership from it. Moreover, the economic downturn that some of the European Union countries have may affect their promise to provide $100 billion per year for the Green Climate Fund.Therefore, there is a pressing need to explore an alternative to the Kyoto Protocol with improvement on the existing mechanisms along with other ways to fight the problem of global warming soonest possible. The researcher has followed a library-based approach in discussing the performance and outcome of the Kyoto Protocol’s Mechanisms. He has also done an analytical and critical analysis to highlight their weaknesses. In addition, an exposition has been made of the Islamic law about the importance of environment and its protection which is clearly stated in the Qur’Én and Sunnah with special reference to global warming. In the researcher’s opinion, the financial and technological co-operation between the developed and developing countries and the usage of alternative and renewable energy sources are one of the best options for solving the problem of global warming.enCopyright International Islamic University MalaysiaEnvironmental protection — InternationalEnvironmental protection -- Religious aspects -- IslamGlobal warmingKyoto protocol and after: a critical expositionMaster Thesis of Shari'ah and law