ثاني، سعود ناصر خالد ثاني قاسمThani, Saoud Nasser K. Th.Saoud Nasser K. Th.Thani2024-10-072024-10-072021https://studentrepo.iium.edu.my/handle/123456789/4495Human recourses managment is an important functional department in all kind of governmental organizations. Especially, after the declaration of Qatar Human Recourses Law. The role of Law will illustrate the understanding of how to manage and process human recourses for both the employer and employee in order to achieve the organization objectives. Moreover, the hypothesis in this research will define the succession planning management and it needs to all individuals, administrative groups and organizations at the public sector of the State of Qatar. In addition, it shows the risk of failing to use this kind of management at the governmental organizations. This research identified the process mix and define the elements of necessary procedures of succession planning management. It shows one of the human recourse’s methods for management continuation. This type of strategic planning and well-defined workforce management are essential. Moreover, it will be recognized as how to ease the recruitment process in case of job vacancy. In addition, it will resolve the inefficiency of applying the human recourse law in terms of HR functions such as recruitment and work force management in order to achieve the State of Qatar politics at the public sector. Further, the article will justify how important the succession planning management to human development of the State of Qatar 2030 Vision. Finally, it will indicate the cause and effect of processing succession planning to the individual at the public sector of the State of Qatar. The research will demonstrate the benefits of succession planning policies towards sustainability objectives of the State of Qatar by putting a general idea of the strategic objectives of implementing succession planning management at public sector which will achieve the State politics objective in terms of the state human capital.arAdministrative agencies -- Personnel management -- QatarPersonnel management -- Qatarسياسات خطط توالي خلافة مناصب الموارد البشرية في المؤسسات الحكومية بدولة قطر : دراسة تقويمية وتحليليةDoctoral ThesisSiyasat khutat tawali khilafah manasib al-mawarid al-bushriyah fi al-mu'assasat al-hukumiyah bi-dawlah Qatar : dirasah taqwimiyah wa-tahliliyah