Sahimi binti Mohamed2024-10-092024-10-092018 Atrial Fibrillation (AF) has become a major global health problem because it is highly related to stroke and death. Anticoagulation therapy (ACT) such as warfarin has been widely used for stroke prevention in AF patients (SPAF). However, the clinical effect of ACT can be achieved only if patients had good anticoagulation control (ACC). Knowledge and perceptions about AF and ACT are the essential factors that can improve patients’ adherence and lead to good ACC. Thus, educational modules are important to improve patient’s knowledge and better perception towards AF and ACT. Aims: This study aims to develop and validate the educational modules that can educate and measure patients’ knowledge and perceptions towards ACT and AF before and after intervention. Methods: This study has two phases. 1) To develop and validate educational modules. 2) To evaluate patients’ knowledge and perceptions towards ACT and AF. Results: 1) The educational modules had highly relevant content coverage with item content validity index of > 0.78 and meet the standard for convergent and discriminant validity. Overall, all educational modules had high reliability with the Cronbach’s Alpha > 0.70 and good stability over the time. Overall patients had poor knowledge of AF and ACT. Majority of them did not understand what happened to them and how to mange their AF. Better understanding about ACT, AF and SPAF enable patients to change their perceptions and empower them to engage in the management of their illness. The positive outcomes that emerged from the intervention confirmed the approach taken and highlighted the important role of pharmacists in the education systems. Conclusion: All the instruments were considered valid because it met the entire requirement needed as proposed by guidelines. This study shows the importance of knowledge and perception among AF patients and opportunities exist for improving patient education especially in those with higher stroke risk.enCopyright International Islamic University MalaysiaPatient education -- Handbooks, manuals, etcAtrial fibrillationAnticoagulants (Medicine)Development of educational modules of atrial fibrillation and anticoagulation therapyDoctoral Thesis