بلوشية، نوال سيف محمدBalushi, Nawal Saif MohammedNawal Saif MohammedBalushi2024-10-082024-10-082022https://studentrepo.iium.edu.my/handle/123456789/9998This study aims to develop the critical reading skills for the tenth basic grade female students and enhance their inclinations towards critical reading skill through a proposed executive training program using the reflective thinking method. The study sample consisted of 64 students. To achieve the objectives of the study, the researcher followed the quasi-experimental approach, which consisted of two groups: A control group (32) and an experimental group (32). To achieve the objectives of the study,and used four inventories as follows: 1]a list of critical reading skills which included 30 skills under three aspects (Distinction – Conclusion – Assessment and Judgment). 2] A proposed executive program using the reflective thinking method to develop critical reading skills. 3] Achievement Test to measure critical reading skills. 4] An inclination inventory to measure the inclinations of the students towards critical reading skills. The study came up with the following results: 1] A list of critical reading skills suitable and required for basic tenth-grade students consists of 30 skills under three aspects (Distinction – Conclusion – Assessment and Judgment). 2] The level of critical reading skills for basic tenth-grade students was increased, and their inclinations towards them were very strong according to the results of effect size after executing and applying the proposed program using the reflective thinking method to develop critical reading skills. 3] There were statistically significant differences between the degrees mean of the control and experimental groups in the prior and post tests of critical reading skills attributed to the way of teaching according to the proposed program using the reflective thinking method to develop critical reading skills. The mean of the degrees of the experimental group reached (1,8100) which is higher than the mean of the total control group’s degrees. 4] There were statistically significant differences between the degrees mean of the experimental group students in the prior and post tests of critical reading skills attributed to the way of teaching according to the proposed program using the reflective thinking method to develop the critical reading skills. 5] There were statistically significant differences between the response degrees of the control and experimental groups in the inventory that measures critical reading skills in the post application attributed to the way of teaching according to the proposed program using the reflective thinking method to develop the critical reading skills. The mean of the response degrees of the experimental group reached to 33.32 which is higher than the response mean of the total control group’s degrees. In light of this study results, the researcher provided various recommendations and suggestions for developing the educational field and enhancing the educational learning process.arReading (Secondary) -- OmanLiterature -- Study and teaching (Secondary) -- Omanأثر برنامج مقترح باستخدام أسلوب التفكير التأملي في تنمية مهارات القراءة الناقدة لدى طالبات الصف العاشر واتجاهاتهن نحوها بسلطنة عمانDoctoral ThesisAthar barnamaj muqtarah bi-istikhdam uslub al-tafkir al-ta'ammuli fi tanmiyah maharat al-qira'ah al-naqidah laday talabat al-saff al-'ashir wa-ittijahatahunna nahwaha bi-Sultanah 'Amman