حريد، كلثوم محمدHarid, Kalthum MuhammadKalthum MuhammadHarid2024-10-072024-10-072018https://studentrepo.iium.edu.my/handle/123456789/4200This thesis focuses on the great contributions of Muslim scholars in Sijistan toward the hadith and related sciences. For that matter , the areas of information and discussion covered in the thesis include: the physical, geographical, and climatic introduction to the Sijistan region, the history of Sijistan right from its conquest by Muslims until its destruction in the seventh century after hijrah, the academic movement in Sijistan, the centres of learning in general and religious as well as empirical expertise of the people in Sijistan in particular, the entry of the Companions and the Successors into the region, who became the originators of hadith Studies there, the profiles of hadith scholars in Sijistan between the second century and the seventh century after hijrah, the academic activities of Sijstani hadith scholars within the region or outside, the contributions of Sijistani hadith scholars toward the development of two dimensions of hadith Studies, narration and critical investigation, and description of diversified works of Sijistani hadith scholars in the field of hadith and related sciences. The methodology applied in the thesis is four-pronged: inductive, descriptive, analytical and historical. The thesis concludes that Sijistan appears as the most significant region due to its great contributions toward the preservation of hadith and development of hadith Studies.arCopyright International Islamic University MalaysiaHadith scholars -- IranHadith scholars -- Afghanistanجهود علماء سجستان في الحديث وعلومه: دراسة تحليليةDoctoral Thesishttps://lib.iium.edu.my/mom/services/mom/document/getFile/nnX13oFAvf851UHIcdeVZRhvSk6P1yfi20180925165620835Juhud al-'ulama' Sijistan fi al-Hadith wa 'ulumih : dirasah tahliliyah