Publication: المنهج النبوي في بناء القيم لدى المراهقين : دراسة تحليلية ونموذج مقترح
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Subject LCSH
Subject ICSI
Muslim youth -- Characteristics
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The researcher aims, through this study, to identify the features of Islamic education in the light of the texts of the Prophet’s Sunnah and to shed light on how the Islamic educational methodology is concerned with adolescents by showing how Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was dealing with this age group. The researcher presented at the end of the study a suggested model for enhancing values among adolescents through the texts of the Prophet's Sunnah and the theory of empowerment, given that many of the Prophet's methods in dealing with adolescents aimed to empower them. As the prophetic texts on which the researcher based his study were formulated in a past historical and social context, the researcher decided to rely on the historical methodology. The researcher also used the method of induction, where he made research and collected the particulars and details that the study revolves around, and then examined, checked and compared these particulars to conclude a general ruling about them, and then he made his selections. The researchers also depended on the method of analytical description as he relied on describing specific situations and phenomena in the time of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), in addition to using the method of systematic review. In this study, the researcher concluded many results, most importantly shedding light on the Islamic view of adolescence, and that the term adolescence is mentioned in the Islamic heritage. The study also found a set of prophetic methods in dealing with adolescents, such as the method of providing good exhortation, dialogue, story, proverbs, model examples, the method of habituation, and the method of reinforcement and punishment, which aims to enable adolescents to be good individuals in society. The study eventually proposed a suggested model that educators can use to build values among adolescents with the aim of empowering them socially. The study also sought to narrow the gap between the traditional religious approach and the modern educational theory (empowerment theory), so that educators can use the Prophet's methods in building values for adolescents in a way that is based on the authentic prophetic text and modern methodology.