Publication: Academic leaders` organizational capabilities and personal characteristics as determinants for successful internationalization of higher education institutions in Bangladesh
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Subject LCSH
Leadership -- Psychological aspects
Education and globalization -- Bangladesh
Education, Higher -- Bangladesh
Subject ICSI
Call Number
The main purpose of the study is to investigate if organizational capabilities and personal characteristics of HEI leaders predict successful internationalization of higher education institutions in Bangladesh. Secondly, it is to examine if the government bureaucracy and quality initiative are the mediators for this study. As the research design of this study was quantitative research approach, survey technique was employed. One thousand and one hundred (1,100) academic leaders were sampled based on two stage multi-stage cluster sampling method. Among the 1,100 respondents 358 survey questionnaires were returned which were analyzed by SEM statistical tools. Constructs of all exogenous and endogenous variables were observed by CFA whose results showed that organizational capabilities have four distinct factors, personal characteristics have also four factors, and successful internationalization has three factors. In contrast, government bureaucracy and quality initiatives are unidimensional ones. Finally, the proposed model of successful internationalization of higher education institutions (SIHEIs) has been tested by SEM and determinants of SIHEIs are established. Its results conclude that strategic leadership practices (i.e. OC and PC) do not have a direct causal effect on successful internationalization. Neither, government bureaucracy and quality initiatives had a direct causal effect on successful internationalization. While government bureaucracy and quality initiatives have indirect significant effect (the mediators) between strategic leadership and successful internationalization as perceived by the academic leaders of higher education institutions. It could be understood that successful internationalization can be implemented through improving the personal characteristics of the strategic leaders. Moreover, quality initiatives should be taken; while government bureaucracy should be reduced because both QI and GB play a mediating role in the internationalization of the higher education institutions. With this evidence, University Grant Commission should offer leadership training for the academic leaders of higher education intuitions so that leaders become aware of leadership acts and practices, challenges and so on. Bureaucratic practices should be lessened and UGC can introduce suitable leadership in HEIs. Quality Initiatives should be highlighted and outcomes of each initiative should be monitored by experts. Specific focus on Internationalization of HEIs should be given in all activities of university. Message of internationalization should be incorporated in the website of both public and private universities. Finally, a thorough study should be conducted on the understanding of leadership practices for internationalization.