Publication: نمذجة العلاقة بين الوحدة النفسية والاكتئاب وتقدير الذات وبين الانخراط الطلابي وتأثيرها على تحصيل الأطفال العرب المقيمين بماليزيا
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Subject LCSH
Subject ICSI
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This study aimed at modelling the relationship between loneliness، depression، self-esteem and engagement as a mediator for academic achievement among Arab children in Malaysia. The research sample consisted of (499) students (47% male، 53% female) of Arab children (aged 9-15 years) residing in Kuala Lumpur، they were selected from (4) of Arab schools in Kuala Lumpur from fourth to ninth grade. The researcher used four instruments (loneliness، depression، self-esteem، and engagement) for data collection; the results of Cronbach's alpha coefficient and factor analysis reveal that instruments are reliable and valid. The results of preliminary analysis showed that the Arabs children in Arab schools in Kuala Lumpur feel loneliness moderately, they do not suffer from any manifestations of depressive, and they have a good level of self-esteem and engagement in the learning process. There were no differences by gender in the level of loneliness or depression among children، while there were differences for females with respect to self-esteem and engagement. Arab children in Arab schools in Kuala Lumpur have the same level of loneliness and self-esteem regardless of their grade، but the level of depression and engagement increases as they grow up in general. With regard to test the hypotheses، the researcher used structural equation modeling SEM. From the results, it became clear that there was no direct impact of loneliness, depression, and self-esteem on the achievement, and there is no-indirect impact of loneliness and depression on the achievement through engagement as well. On the other hand, there is indirect effects of self-esteem on the achievement through engagement, and both of self-esteem and engagement together effect children academic achievement positively or negatively, they explained 31% of the variance in academic achievement.