Publication: Development of plant material database information model system for freshwater and mangrove ecosystem : identification through image, characteristics, ethnobotany and landscape uses
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Aquatic plants
Mangrove plants
Subject ICSI
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The creation of database information system is a novel approach in the field of floriculture and landscape design where it is necessary to handle voluminous data for landscape decision making. With this idea in view, a study on aquatic plants database information model system, based on it images, characteristics, ethno-botany, aesthetic and functional uses were undertaken in Peninsular Malaysia and Singapore. This study will be expected to identify and evaluate the characteristics and uses of aquatic plants based on two different ecosystems; which are the fresh water and saline or brackish water, were done on the basis of its habit, form, leaf (texture, arrangement, shape, size) and also their functional as well as landscape uses. It can be said that there is no such database as aquatic plant species database information system based on its classification and functional uses available in Malaysia. The limited information about the species and plant classification to educate landscape users has contributed to the lacking of aquatic plants information. For that reason, studying aquatic plant species for landscape characters based on their natural habitat and creating a relational database information model system can give much needed tool to landscape planners and professional bodies so that they can consider aquatic plant species while making planning decisions. These tools may provide the government agencies, private firms and its associations involved with aquatic plant management information in planning and implement environmentally sound management programs that are both effective and economically efficient.