The ideological formulation of jama'ah islamiyyah and Malaysia's rehabilitative approach in negotiating jama'ah islamiyyah discourse, 1993-2012



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Kuala Lumpur : International Institute of Islamic Thought and Civilization, International Islamic University Malaysia, 2019

Subject LCSH

Subject ICSI

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Research Projects

Organizational Units

Journal Issue


The main purpose of this study is twofold. Firstly, it aims to explore the ideological formulation of Jami'ah Islamiyyah (JI). Specifically, it seeks to examine how the JI formulates the concept of Tawhid, Alihah, Arbab, Andad and Taghut, al-Wala' wa al- Bara', jihad, Khilafah and Daulah Islamiyyah. These components are considered as the building blocks of JI ideology and a recurrent theme in JI discourse. Secondly, the study also seeks to examine Malaysia’s Special Rehabilitation Programme (Program Pemulihan Khas) a strategy adopted by the Malaysian police to rehabilitate radicalised individuals. The study argues that the formulation of JI ideology was shaped by four major imperatives: the systemic, internal/domestic, religious and individual imperatives. The fusion of these four elements produced a unique discourse advocated by JI. The study also seeks to identify and critique some misinterpretation found in formulating the JI ideology, particularly their doctrine of Tawhid, takfiri, jihad, al- Wala' wa al-Bara' and others. This study is qualitative in nature. It employs historicalanalytical approach to trace the historical developments of Islamic resurgence movements in the Muslims world that influence the ideological formulation of JI, while the textual analysis approach is employed to examine JI literatures particularly its self-published literatures, and audio recordings of JI usrah. A series of interview was also conducted to collate the data from the former JI members and the investigative officers at the Royal Malaysia Police in understanding and exploring the ideological formulation of JI.



