Publication: The impact of religiosity, attitude, and trust on mobile banking adoption in zakat distribution among asnaf in Selangor
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Subject LCSH
Subject ICSI
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This research sought to investigate the impact of attitude, religiosity, initial trust and other factors towards the adoption of mobile banking among asnaf for zakat distribution purpose in Selangor, Malaysia. Another primary focus of this research is to address the applicability of Unified Theory of Acceptance and Usage of Technology (UTAUT2) integrated with Initial Trust Model (ITM) and with two additional construct which is religiosity and attitude. A total of 411 asnaf (170 males and 241 female) were drawn from the sample randomly selected. Questionnaires (adapted from six previous studies) are used as the instrument in collecting the data. Based on the employed conceptual model, the findings suggest that, (1) religiosity have a positive and significant effect towards attitude of an asnaf on mobile banking adoption, (2) structural assurance and propensity to trust have a positive and significant effect on influencing asnaf initial trust towards mobile banking adoption and (3) initial trust, habit, facilitating conditions, effort expectancy, and performance expectancy have a positive and significant effect towards asnaf intention to adopt mobile banking for zakat distribution purpose. The most important finding (4) religiosity, intention, facilitating conditions, and habit have a positive and significant effect on the actual usage/use behavior/adoption of mobile banking for zakat distribution purpose. On top of that, it was found that there are differences in term of factors of adoption based on their demographic criteria such as age and gender. However, firm reputation was found to be a not significant factor towards initial trust and social impact, hedonic motivation, price value and attitude were found to not have a significant effect to behavioral intention of an asnaf to adopt mobile banking for zakat distribution purpose. Based on the findings, it was recommended that Zakat Institution to develop a mobile apps or system that could synchronize asnaf bank account with zakat distribution process. It was recommended that for further studies, to compare between countries and involve the government authorities such as JAWHAR and BNM. Overall, the model employed in this study were able to demonstrate the success of proposed extension and achieving all the objectives of this study.