Publication: تصميم وحدة دراسية باستخدام تقنية الواقع المعزَّز لتعلم اللغة العربية بالكلية الجامعية الإسلامية العالمية بسلانجور :دراسة تحليلية
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Subject LCSH
Subject ICSI
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The research aims to analyze students’ needs and their difficulties in learning Arabic as well as designing an instructional module of learning Arabic using Augmented Reality at the Foundation Centre, International Islamic College University Selangor. This study is important because it provides the Foundation Centre with a study on the needs of its students, and prepares the appropriate educational materials for them using modern technology. This research employed the descriptive method by reviewing documents, prospectus and scientific magazines printed at the university. In addition, this research relies on other research, books and scientific journals. The researcher also employed the analytical method by distributing questionnaires to the respondents to identify the difficulties and needs of students in learning Arabic before the development stage. The researcher used the ADDIE Model to develop the module as it is simple and is a suitable form of instructional design module in learning Arabic. In order to review the module contents, a workshop with Foundation Centre’s lecturers has been held. Besides that, a number of experts has evaluated the completed module to evaluate the quality of the module and technical parts. The researcher has applied the module of learning Arabic using Augmented Reality to 53 students and distributed questionnaires of formative evaluation to the respondents. Through the questionnaire, the researcher found that most students believed that the module of learning Arabic using Augmented Reality is able to motivate them to learn Arabic. Therefore, the research encounters several results at the end of its analysis, including that using Augmented Reality in learning will increase learning motivation of the learner, compensate the lack of resources in teaching and learning, reduce the cost and provide learning language skills without depending on other teaching aids which contains videos and three-dimensional shapes (3D), audio and data.