Publication: Predictors of training transfer: the mediating role of supervisor and peer support among female industrial workers in Malaysia
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Subject LCSH
Organizational learning
Women -- Employment
Subject ICSI
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The purpose of this research is to assess the role of psychological variables and workplace related variables in predicting training transfer among female industrial workers in Malaysia. This study examines the relationships between trainee related variables, namely conscientiousness, motivation to transfer training and organizational commitment, and workplace related variables such as supervisor and peer support in predicting training transfer among participants. The variables selected are based on Baldwin and Fords (1988) Training Transfer Model. Employing purposive sampling procedure, 198 participants completed the four waves of data collection to answer three research questions. The research questions were explored by using sets of questionnaire consisting of NEO-PI-R (conscientiousness items); Learning Transfer System Inventory (motivation to transfer items); Organizational Commitment Questionnaire (Affective, Continuance and Normative commitment); and Supervisor, Peer Support Questionnaire (SPSQ). The SPSQ, a newly-developed instrument adapted from LTSI (Holton, 2000) and GTCS (Tracey & Tews, 2005), was used to measure the level of supervisor and peer support in sustaining transfer of training at the workplace (factories). The questionnaire items successfully underwent face validation, content validation, criterion validation and construct validation. The perceived training transfer of the newly appointed workers furthermore was measured using Perceived Training Transfer (PIT). All the collected data were analysed using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) and AMOS 16.0. The findings supported the role of supervisor and peer support as mediators to the relationship between the exogenous and the endogenous variables. The result however reported mixed findings in relation to the direct correlation between (a) trainee related variables, and (b) workplace related variables and training transfer measured before and after training. The findings suggested a unique input to Baldwin and Ford
s (1988) Transfer Process Model in relation to organizational commitment as a predictor.