Publication: Oil and grease removal by mixed culture of fungi for pretreatment of palm oil mill effluent
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Subject LCSH
Fungi -- Research
Subject ICSI
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The environmental impacts of oil and grease (O&G) present in wastewater emerging from processing industries on the ecology of receiving water stream have attracted concern in recent times. However, the expansion of oil palm mills has led to the increase in the volume of palm oil mill effluent (POME), which contains significant concentrations of O&G. This study examined the aerobic biodegradation of oil and grease present in POME sample, using mixed culture of fungi newly isolated from sludge palm oil (SPO) obtained within the surrounding of the palm oil processing industry, in order to meet the discharge standard. Potent microorganisms were isolated from POME and SPO samples, through the solid media plate procedure consisting of Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA), Sabouround Dextrose Agar (SDA) and Malt Extract Agar (MEA). The isolates which appeared, consistently, on the three media plates were quantified and tested for extracellular (amylase, protease, cellulase and lipase) enzymatic activities in order to determine their potentials to biodegrade oil and grease and other related pollutants present in the POME sample. The pure isolates were later quantitatively and qualitatively screened to develop the most effective mixed culture of fungi. One-factor-at-a-time (OFAT) method was adopted to determine effective volume of innoculum, alongside other process parameters (temperature, agitation, incubation period), of the mixed culture developed in a shake flask, while the aeration study was conducted in a bioreactor. The factors established for degradation of O&G in POME sample were further optimized and validated in 2 L bioreactor using a three-level factorial design (FFD), with degradation of oil and grease content selected as response. The optimized conditions were further applied in a 10 L bioreactor scale up. The kinetics of biodegradation in O&G in POME sample was evaluated using selected linearized and nonlinear models of the Michaelis-Menten equation. The results of the adopted procedures indicate that the most suitable media for growing the isolates is PDA and the yellow 'halo' produced by the three isolates from SPO indicates that they are fungi. The solid plate screening showed that the isolates are more lypolithic and the Biolog System Identification indicates the isolated fungi as Pestalotiopsis maculans and Pithomyces sacchari stains (α and β). The most effective and compatible mixed culture developed through the quantitative screening were mixed culture of P. maculans and P. sacchariβ, which further showed highest lipase (0.130 U/mL) and amylase (15.06 U/mL)) activities in this study. The effective incubation period and innoculum size of the mixed culture (1:1) for the biodegradation of O&G in the POME sample were 5 days and 4% v/v (1x107 conidial spores), respectively. The optimization in the bioreactor showed that the operating parameters are 35 °C, 130 rpm and 2.0 vvm, for O&G degradation and the coefficient of determination (R2) of the model is 0.999 while the Adjusted R2 is 0.996, which indicates that the model obtained is very significant. The kinetic parameters, Km and Vmax, obtained from the evaluation of the experimental data of biodegradation of O&G in POME sample in the 10 L bioreactor fit well to the Lineweaver-Burk kinetic plot (R2 = 0.9577). The maximum percentage degradation of O&G contents in POME sample in the 10 L bioreactor is 74.8%. Similarly the maximum percentage Chemical oxygen Demand (COD) removed was 65% of the initial concentration (41,300 mg/L). The remaining concentrations of O&G and COD, obtained in this study are insufficient for discharge, thus the treated POME may require further treatment in order to meet the DOE standard and the present study is recommended as intermediate treatment process for POME.