Publication: Customer perception towards adoption of automated guided vehicles (AGVS) in the Malaysian manufacturing industry
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Subject LCSH
Consumers -- Attitudes
Consumer behavior -- Malaysia
Subject ICSI
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While a vast number of studies have pointed the marketing practices in consumer markets, little attention has been paid to the relationship with the B2B market. The purpose of this research aims to analyse the perception of customers toward the adoption of Automated Guided Vehicle in the Malaysian manufacturing industry. It helps produce some evidence of the association between customer perception and adoption of AGVs. The inferences drawn from the research would contribute in evaluating the brand and how best future brand can be modified to meet the needs and expectations of consumers. The proposed hypotheses are tested in the case of the manufacturing industry, where long term relationship is needed. The research involved collecting data from Manufacturing companies in Malaysia. Primary data for the study was collected using questionnaires, about 200 individuals participated with the questionnaire and the data gathered was evaluated using Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) analysis. SEM analysis, which associates relationship between adoption and customer perception. Study is made upon the variables that relate to AGV’s and it’s adoption in the Malaysian manufacturing Industry. The variables being, Attention, Perceptual Interpretation, Information Retention, Customer Perception and AGV Adoption. The study adopted a quantitative research approach to examine the theme. First descriptive statistical analyses were conducted, followed by factor analyses and hypotheses testing. In this study, the hypotheses are identified to have direct and indirect relationship between the constructs. It can be summarized from the findings, that attention, perceptual interpretation and information retention and customer perception have a higher significant relationship with customer perception and the adoption of AGVs. Therefore all the hypotheses are highly accepted.