Effects of murraya koenigii leaves on glucose level, kidney functions, antioxidant capacity and lipid peroxidation, in streptozotocin diabetic rats



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Volume Title


Kuantan, Pahang: Kulliyyah of Medicine, International Islamic University Malaysia, 2011

Subject LCSH

Diabetes -- Alternative treatment
Curry leaf tree -- Malaysia
Traditional medicine
Herbs -- Therapeutic use

Subject ICSI

Call Number

t RC661 H4 Y23E 2011

Research Projects

Organizational Units

Journal Issue


Diabetes-induced oxidative stress is likely to be a major factor in the pathogenesis of changes associated with diabetes and its complications. Leaves of Murraya koenigii (MK) (Rutaceae) are used traditionally in Indian Ayuverdic system to treat diabetes. In the present study, in addition to 30 days antihyperglycaemic effect of MK aqueous leaf extract, we investigated its nephro-protective effect in diabetic rats, and measured the changes in the levels of plasma antioxidant concentration and glutathione peroxidase. Male Sprague Dawley rats were administered with a single dose of streptozotocin (STZ, 70 mg/kg) intraperitoneally to induce experimental diabetes. Rats were randomized into six groups (n=6) of normal control, diabetic control (non-treated), and diabetics treated with MK aqueous leaf extract, as well as insulin (0.5 iu/kg/day) as a reference standard. The fresh leaves of MK was exhaustively extracted with distilled water and freeze-dried to get powder. Blood glucose levels and body weight were monitored gravimetrically, while changes in serum urea and creatinine, plasma antioxidant capacity and glutathione peroxidase, were measured on 30th day using standard commercially available diagnostic kits (Sigma-Aldrich, MO, USA). Diabetic rats treated with aqueous extract showed significant (p < 0.001) improvement in all the variables, which was comparable to those of insulin treatment group. However, the diabetic control group significantly (p < 0.001) shows considerable loss of body weight, decrease in renal function test, plasma antioxidant activity and glutathione peroxidase levels, as compared to normal controls. Thus, these findings highlighted the beneficial effects of curry leaf aqueous extract against cellular oxidative damage in STZ-induced diabetic rats.



