استراتيجيات استيعاب المقروء لدى طلاب المرحلة الثانوية بمدرسة علوم القرآن بأتشيه: قصص الأنبياء نموذجا



Journal Title

Journal ISSN

Volume Title


Kuala Lumpur : International Islamic University Malaysia, 2017

Subject LCSH

Arabic language -- Study and teaching -- Indonesia
Arabic language -- Study and teaching -- Foreign speakers

Subject ICSI

Call Number

t PJ 6068 I5 K45I 2017

Research Projects

Organizational Units

Journal Issue


A story is one of the teaching strategies which helps a learner to interpret the external environment that surrounds him. It activates and changes his comprehension ability to a large extent. A story can deliver ideas, experiences and incidents in more vivid and influential forms. It also, it enriches the vocabulary of students, makes them growing the love for reading and provides them with the correct method to build attractive dialogues and use new vocabulary items in various ways. The aim of this study is to identify the strategies that can help secondary school students in reading comprehension of Arabic texts and in discovering the problems faced by them in the process, especially, in reading stories of the Prophets. The researcher used a few cases as samples and reading activities to obtain information that helped him to understand how those reading activities affect students’ ability to comprehend the subject matter of the text. The sample of the research was composed of students of the secondary stage of the School of Sciences of the Quran (Madrasah Ulumul Qur’an) in Aceh for the academic years of 2016 and 2017. The researcher adopted a quasi-standard interview in this study as a method for collecting data. The results of the study show that the strategy of making inferences plays a major role in recognising meanings of the new words. And the orthographic sign that goes with Arabic words (the I’rab) is not mandatory for making the meaning of the paragraph. In addition, the researcher finds that one of the problems faced by the students in reading comprehension of Arabic stories of the Prophets is understanding words and sentences which are not mentioned in the Quran. In addition, the words that the students need to use dictionaries for knowing the meaning, are mainly modern words related to the field of natural sciences.



